Parameterized skeletons in Maude

Adrián Riesco and Alberto Verdejo

Technical report SIC-1/07, Dpto. Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, January 2007.

Abstract: Algorithmic skeletons are a well-known approach for implementing distributed applications. Declarative versions typically use higher-order functions in functional languages. We show here a different approach based on parameterized modules in Maude, that receive the operations needed to solve a concrete problem as a parameter. Architectures are conceived separately from the skeletons that are executed on top of them. The object-oriented methodology followed facilitates nesting of skeletons and the combination of architectures. Maude analysis tools allow to check properties of the applications built by instantiating a skeleton at different abstraction levels.


	Author = {Adri\'an Riesco and Alberto Verdejo},
	Institution = {Dpto.\ Sistemas Inform\'aticos y Computaci\'on, Universidad Complutense de Madrid},
	Month = {January},
	Number = {SIC-1/07},
	Title = {Parameterized skeletons in {Maude}},
	Year = {2007}}