Playing with Maude

Miguel Palomino, Narciso Martí-Oliet, and Alberto Verdejo

In S. Abdennadher and C. Ringeissen, editors, RULE’04 Fifth International Workshop on Rule-Based Programming. Proceedings, ENTCS 124(1), pages 3–23. Elsevier, 2005.

Abstract: This paper is an introduction to rule-based programming in Maude. We illustrate in particular the use of operator attributes to structure the state of a system, and the difference between equations and rules. We use mathematical games and puzzles for our examples illustrating the expressive power of Maude.


	Author = {Miguel Palomino and Narciso Mart{\'\i}-Oliet and Alberto Verdejo},
	Booktitle = {{RULE'04} Fifth International Workshop on Rule-Based Programming. Proceedings},
	Editor = {S. Abdennadher and C. Ringeissen},
	Pages = {3-23},
	Publisher = {Elsevier},
	Series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
	Title = {Playing with {Maude}},
	Volume = {124(1)},
	Year = {2005}}